Read some history of Aberdeen Golf Society.
A few innovative ideas so early in the evolution of the Rules:
A five-minute time limit on searching for a ball.
Who wins the hole, takes the honour.
The first rule on etiquette, and on advice.
No improving one's stance or the lie of the ball.

[1744_Leith]   [1754_St Andrews]   [1773_Bruntsfield]   [1775_Leith]   [1776_Bruntsfield]   [1783_Aberdeen]   [1786_Crail]  
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Laws of Golf to be Observed by the Society of Golfers at Aberdeen, 1783

I.  The Distance from the Hole, in Teeing, shall not exceed two Lengths of a Club, either in Advance or Aside, and the Tee shall be on the Ground.

II.  While a Stroke is playing none of the Party shall walk about, make any motion, or attempt to take off the Player's attention, by speaking or otherwise.

III.  The Party gaining a Hole shall have the Privilege of striking off first, as long as the opposite Party do not make a good Hole - the Ball furthest from the Hole shall always be played first.

IV.   If two Balls happen to ly so near to one another as Six Inches, or less, the Ball nearest the Hole shall be taken up, till the other is played.

V.   Untill the Hole be quitted no Ball shall be changed nor handled on any pretence, unless in compliance with the Fourth Law, or that the ball happen to ly on Ice, or half sunk in Water; in which Cases the Player shall have it in his option either to tee his Ball on the Green, or behind the Ice or Water, or play it as it lyes; If tee’d, the opposite Party shall reckon one against the Player.

VI.   No Stones, Bones, or other Break-clubs shall be removed in a Hazard, nor on the fair Green.

VII.  If one Ball happen to Strike against another, or if the Player accidentally strikes the Opponents and his Ball at the same time, both parties must take their balls as they happen to ly after such Accidents.

VIII.  No person shall be at Liberty to vary or better his Stance in playing, by breaking the Surface of the Green, by placing or removing Stones, Sand, or any Substance; damping his feet with Water excepted.

IX.  In playing on the Green, or out of Sand, loose Ground or long Grass, no means shall be used to beat down the Ground or Grass, or to draw away or make any mark in the Sand or Soil, whereby to improve the ly of the Ball.

X.  If a Stroke be made, and the Club pass the Ball and strike the Ground, it shall be reckoned against the Player; though the Ball be mist, or the Club happen to be broke.

XI.  A Ball lost in playing shall in all Cases forfeit the Hole, unless when struck into Water; as to which vide Law V

XII.  The Party whose Ball is amissing shall be allowed Five Minutes to search for it, after coming to the Spot where the Ball appeared to drop.

XIII.  If a Dog happen to carry off or damage a Ball in the course of playing, the party to whom it belongs shall be entitled to use another, and lay it as near to the Spot where taken from as can be guessed.

XIV.  If a Stroke is made and the Ball be stopt by any Person not in the Game, it shall be played as it may chance to ly, altho’ in a Hazard; the Parties being obliged to submit to the Accident, whether for or against the Player.

XV.  If a Ball, in playing thro’ the Green, be stopt by the Player’s partner or their Club-bearers, it shall be played where it chance to ly, and the Stroke reckoned as if no such Accident had happened.

XVI.  If a Ball, in playing thro’ the Green, be stopt by any of the opposite Party, or their Club-bearers, no stroke shall be reckoned against the player and he shall also be at liberty to lay the Ball fair.

XVII.  If any of the Players or their Club-bearers, by standing at or near the hole, stop a Ball, whether from the Putter or any other Club, the Hole shall be lost to the Party so stopping; with this exception only, that after a Ball passed the Hole, and is stopped by any of the opposite Party, the Hole shall not thereby be lost to such party, But the player shall have it in his option either to play the Stroke over again, or take the Ball as it may happen to ly.

XVIII.  At holing the Player is to aim honestly for the Hole and not at his opponent’s Ball not lying in the way.

XIX.  The Player shall not be at liberty to draw a Line, or make any Mark as a Direction for holing, nor shall his Partner stand at the Hole, or direct him in aiming.

XX.  No Stones, loose Sand, or other Impediments shall be removed when putting at the Hole.

XXI.  When the Hole is distinctly in view of the Player, no Person shall be allowed to stand at it for Direction.

XXII.  If both the Balls happen to be holed by the same Stroke, such Stroke shall reckon in Favour of the Player’s opponent, and be the same as if his Ball had been previously in the Hole.

XXIII.  It is understood that Partners may consult with, and give verbal directions to one another; how to play; but nothing further.

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